Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Virginia so far:
-Blew kisses out the window for carolyn and laura
-Bought jalepeño vienna sausages for jv along with hot peanuts
-Found out that pecan log rolls are really good according to the woman that works in the hess
-Figured out that while yure driving that the grossest flavors of pringles even look good... But aren't worth buying..
-I don't trust a 59 cent coconut
-That the word coconut wasn't in my phone until just now

I'm sure more has happened.. Now were listening to tim barry because it just seems right.. Kim should look into being a truck driver.. Homegirl just keeps wanting to drive!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like you two had a productive first day. i wouldnt trust those pecan rolls though--hehe.

happy trails! ~Steve